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Ceramic egg with ear.

W9 x L12 x H9

Scroll through the images to see the different colors / versions of this sculpture.

OVA SENSIBUS AUDITE - sense-egg ear

  • Low burnt, white clay

    glazed with oxide wash

    W9 x L12 x H9

    Scroll through the images to see the different colors / versions of this sculpture.

  • I have always liked the shape of the egg and the hope that lies in the new it symbolizes. To me, this sculpture represents basic down-to-earthness, courage and curiosity. Connected with an isolated, human sense - a strong, small trick of a sculpture appeared.

    When two physical realities merge - a mouth and an egg - it is experienced as if the sense tears itself apart and stands alone… newborn ... detached… amplified… more visible… stronger…

    The goal as an artist is to create reaction.

    My beloved little sister said it like this when her daughter got a sensory egg for confirmation: "Wow, it's just so disgusting! I can not bear to have it in front! " :-D

    This is a sculpture that makes people think something.

    Want to surprise the guest a little? Put a Sanse egg in the fruit bowl ;-)

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